 GAOC Local Meet Ranking System version: 2.1.0, build: 32940d5  

GAOC Split Analysis Joe Kurz (2019-03-10) White

Runner Speed Time Lost Controls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Final
Jordan Scott 88.58 67.9
43.28(2) 47.1(2) 49.82(2) 58.38(2) 0.0(1) 114.9(2) 119.88(2) 135.73(2) 137.1
43.28(2) 3.82(2) 2.72(2) 8.57(2) -58.38(1) 114.9(2) 4.98(1) 15.85(2) 1.37(2)
Superman 120.27 18.23 20.38 23.02 30.5 -27.88 8.22 13.2 24.85 26.12
18.23 2.15 2.63 7.48 -58.38 36.1 4.98 11.65 1.27
Batman 100.0 25.66 28.41 31.08 39.07 -1.0 53.94 60.59 74.02 75.33
25.66 2.75 2.67 7.99 -40.07 54.94 6.64 13.43 1.31
Superman is the fastest time on each leg.
Batman is the the caluclated baseline speed for each leg.
